Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hourglass Patterns Learning: Removing excess fabric from below the buttocks.

I'm a very visual person so I thought I would share a pictorial of a common pant fitting problem:  Excess fabric below the buttocks.  It's just a few quick changes to the pattern back to fix this problem.  Pink is the original back, Blue is the changes made and Yellow is the new Back.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hourglass Patterns© Learning: Grading on a pant pattern with no side seam

I have a few pant patterns with "No Side Seam".  Here's a quick pictorial to grade this style of pant 2 sizes up.

Detailed Body Measurements Download

Detailed Body Measurements

Detailed Body Measurements are key to a successful sewing project because they're integral to pattern alteration and ultimately to creat...