Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hourglass Patterns Tutorials: Boxed Corners for Any Project

The boxed corner is just perfect for tote bags, purses, pouches, cosmetic cases, cushions; you name it, you can box it.  It's super easy.  Here's a quick pictorial for your next sewing craft project.  

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Hourglass Patterns: Free Download-Lower Body Fitting Worksheet

Hourglass Patterns free worksheet to record your lower body measurements;  record directly on the images.  Includes recommended fitting ease to add or remove.

Here's a Link to this worksheet:  Hourglass Patterns Lower Body Measurements Worksheet

Monday, April 4, 2022

Hourglass Patterns Learning: Binding on Sleeveless Garments

This symbol is on many of Hourglass Patterns' directions.  Below are 3 images that will help you perfect your binding application on sleeveless garments.  Many of my patterns have you apply the binding to the raw edge before you sew the side seam.  This is a much quicker method and is perfect for many applications.  I say many because there are times when this method will not work; and you will need to use the other method where you sew the shoulder and sides 1st, then apply a finished binding.  I show both binding methods in my drape neck top video on Youtube:  Making Hourglass Patterns Drape Neck Top

Pin, pin and pin to get it right.  I always baste 1st before using my serger.

Align the binding tops and seams, then match the notches. 

Sew from the hem to the binding and as you get to the binding increase your seam allowance; this makes it easier to tack down in the final step below.

Professional results with not fuss.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Hourglass Patterns©: Calculation Worksheet for Fit and Ease

Hourglass Patterns Calculation Worksheet for Fit and Ease. A Handy one page PDF worksheet used to adjust any sewing pattern, by any designer to fit your body in now available on ETSY.  Hourglass Patterns Fit and Ease Calc Worksheet on ETSY

If you're new to sewing you may not know that fitting and pattern alteration challenges often begin with not knowing how much ease is built into a pattern; and misunderstandings about the type of ease and where it's placed in the pattern.  This worksheet will help you determine that before you start your project. 

Accurate body measurement is essential for achieving good fit.  This combined with Hourglass Pattern's Bodymap is everything you need to begin sewing successfully.  Hourglass Patterns Bodymap on ETSY

Detailed Body Measurements Download

Detailed Body Measurements

Detailed Body Measurements are key to a successful sewing project because they're integral to pattern alteration and ultimately to creat...