Friday, September 22, 2017

Hourglass Patterns Hack

Here's an Hourglass patterns hack: Combine Drape Front Top with A-line Yoga Waist Skirt and make a dress. 1st eliminate the yoga portion of the skirt by combining the pattern pieces to make just an a-line skirt and add 1/4" seam allowance to the top of the skirt. 2nd mark on the Drape Front Top where you want the horizontal seam to lie (I kept mine at my natural waist. It's helpful to tie 1/4" elastic to your waist and mark for this.), add 1" seam allowance and cut off the bottom portion. Use the extra seam allowance of 1" to do a perfect fitting. Pin baste to place the seam in the optimal location for your figure. If your unsure of this placement, add even more seam allowance to both pieces and do a couple of fitting until you get it just right. Now add all your modifications back onto the pattern pieces for future dresses. Happy Sewing!!!

Detailed Body Measurements Download

Detailed Body Measurements

Detailed Body Measurements are key to a successful sewing project because they're integral to pattern alteration and ultimately to creat...